reverie beta
User Documentation
We designed reverie to help you reflect deeply, visualize your thoughts uniquely, and share authentically while maintaining your privacy.
The app features two main tabs: "My Memories" and "Explore"
My Memories displays your personal reflections with generated visuals and titles
Tap on a card to view the full entry and its associated visual
Explore allows you to discover shared content from other users
Use the profile icon in the top-left corner to access your account settings
Go to My Memories and tap into Today's card to start your daily reflection
You can journal using text input or voice transcription
Use the microphone icon on the keyboard to use voice transcription
Tap the continue button on the keyboard to get reverie's AI-powered response that prompts further reflection
Reverie supports all languages for both text and voice input
Your content will be saved automatically
Currently, we don't support editing past reflections.
Visual Generation
After journaling, use the sparkling icon to create an abstracted visualization of your thoughts
Generation may take a few seconds
Once generated, it will also be added to your My Memories feed
You can re-generate using the sparkling icon
Tap the share icon on the visual
In Beta, this will share publicly on the Explore feed with your chosen display name and date
We are working on adding private sharing with specific users
Shared visuals maintain your privacy by abstracting your thoughts into art and user-selected display names
Interact with others' shared visuals to start authentic conversation
Get in Touch
Need help? Got feedback? Report a bug?
Catch us on Discord.
Alternatively, you can email the co-founders!